Intro to Our Data
Updated August, 2020Available as a 1.6mb PDF here For more information: Melissa Fanucci, AICPPrincipal PlannerWhatcom Council of Governmentsmelissa@wcog.org(360) 685-8385 Every year, the Whatcom Council of Governments (WCOG) publishes a compilation...
National Ranking
The Cascade Gateway is a system of border crossings of national significance It’s ports-of-entry service major trade routes for each country and are some of the busiest crossings in the...
Traffic Volumes
2019 VEHICLE VOLUMES Traffic has decreased by 4% since 2018 Between 2018 and 2019, passenger vehicle traffic decreased 4 percent overall across the Cascade Gateway. 2019 volumes are 20 percent...
Trade Data
2019 VALUE $53 million (USD) in trade crosses the Cascade Gateway every day Over $16 billion* in truck trade and over $3 billion in rail trade crossed the Cascade Gateway...
Wait Times
Passenger vehicle wait times dropped an average of 16 percent between 2019 and 2018. The most notable reduction in wait times can be seen in February weekdays southbound, with an...
Travel Characteristics
TRIP DETAILS 80% of cross-border travelers cross at least once a month. Data collected during the 2018/2019 IMTC Passenger Intercept Survey asked questions of cross-border travelers that provide insights into...