An Unusual Year for the Border
2021 DATA DIGEST Published August, 2021Download print version (3mb PDF) For more information:Melissa Fanucci, AICPPrincipal PlannerWhatcom Council of Governmentsmelissa@wcog.org(360)685-8385 Introduction to the 2021 Data Digest With the Canada – United...
National Ranking
Even in a pandemic, the Cascade Gateway remains a border system of national significance. Since the COVID-19 pandemic prevented non-essential travel across the U.S. – Canada border on a national...
Traffic Volumes
Passenger traffic has dropped 81 percent across the Cascade Gateway. As seen in the national data, traffic volumes have been dramatically impacted by the border travel restrictions. Each crossing saw...
Trade Data
$18.8 billion (USD) in trade crossed the Cascade Gateway in 2020. With $16.2 billion in truck trade and $2.7 billion in rail trade in 2020, the Cascade Gateway continues to...
Wait Times
Before the pandemic, wait times appeared to be increasing. Looking at how average hourly wait times trended in two months (February and August) it appears as though 2020 was set...
Travel Characteristics
Prior to the pandemic, 80% of cross-border travelers cross at least once a month. Data collected during the 2018/2019 IMTC Passenger Intercept Survey asked questions of cross-border travelers that provide insights into...
Tracking COVID-19 Impacts
The COVID-19 border restrictions are unprecedented in Canada – U.S. history. On March 21, 2020, the U.S. – Canada border closed to all but essential travel for the first time...